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February 2014

Prevent and Reduce Hearing Loss With Magnesium

By Current News

By Dr Murray Grossan

When Hearing Loss is Common

There are certain populations where hearing loss is seen regularly. For example, Longshore workers who are exposed to very loud sirens, signaling devices, steel clanging on steel, etc are often found to have a hearing loss after years of exposure. Many machines, such as concrete nail drivers, concrete drills, loud motors and saws, may cause hearing loss. Artillery and guns impair hearing. Police officers who practice without protection commonly lose hearing.
Finally, there is a study that shows a simple means of preventing workers from suffering hearing loss and tinnitus!

Peer Reviewed Study

In a study just published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition November 6, 2013 by doctor Yoon-Hyeong Choi and others, they report that there was a lower degree of hearing loss in the American population among those who took Magnesium and Antioxidant Vitamins. Though Dr Choi studied hearing loss, his results also apply to tinnitus. Hearing loss is the most common cause of tinnitus

Title of the article is Antioxidant vitamins and magnesium and the risk of hearing loss in the US general population. Am Jour of Nutrition Nov 6, 2013

What is significant here is that not only did the persons who took these products have less loss in the high tones, but they also had less loss in the low tones, where speech is so important.

Longshore workers are instructed to wear noise defenders, earmuffs, and similar protectors against noise. However it is really a difficult situation. If they wear the ear protection, that reduces noise to the ear, but then, they may not hear the many moving vehicles, cranes or the dozens of dangers where huge boxcars are being constantly moved about overhead. Construction and steel workers have similar dilemmas

This article by Dr Choi presents significant evidence that this kind of hearing loss might be reduced or prevented.

Magnesium and Antioxidant Effects

The magnesium/antioxidant called Tinnitus Caps is magnesium
combined with thirteen other elements known to aid hearing function. Although specifically for tinnitus, the products listed for the Tinnitus Caps contain magnesium and antioxidants, what Dr Choi’s study described plus products for hearing function.

The Tinnitus Caps contain:

  • Magnesium–supports healthy supports nerve function in the auditory and nervous systems.
  • Thiamine–helps optimize hearing in hearing cells. .
  • Folic Acid–supports circulation to the ears
  • Alpha L Lipoic Acid –an antioxidant –is essential in generating mitochondria in the hair cells of the inner ear. This has been tested for prevention of hearing loss due to excessive noise.
  • N-Acetyl L-Cysteine–a special amino acid that helps to protect cells of the inner ear.
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine is an antioxidant and a neuroprotector. This is important for dendrites (nerve fibers) and mitochondria.

In the past, research has focused on a single product to prevent hearing loss and tinnitus. Studying only one single product has hampered research on tinnitus and hearing loss. In one sense, that would be like studying athletes by investigating only the right leg! Dr Choi’s work is important because he used combinations of products, and large populations to gather this evidence.
Hearing, tinnitus, and the whole nervous system are highly complex and involves many dozens of chemical reactions.

What I have done in Tinnitus Caps product is combine various elements such as the above with the known products that may aid the hearing mechanism. These include Selenium, Zinc, B12, B3, Zinc, and Gingko. I believe that no single one of the fourteen products will do the job of relieving Tinnitus or prevent deafness. What is done here is to combine these so that they support each other. For example, Selenium helps to regenerate Vitamin C and E.

Restoring Lost Hearing

Today we don’t have a means of restoring lost hearing. The goal is to prevent further hearing loss and relieve tinnitus.
We don’t have a single pill that will cure tinnitus. My tinnitus patients have benefitted: however Tinnitus Caps have only become available since September 2013. It takes several years to establish how well this works in the tinnitus population. More information at:

There are other factors to consider too: well controlled diabetes and hypertension, control of bad cholesterol, and healthy diet. Everyone must help themselves to take full advantage of the therapies available today for these metabolic diseases.

Just as important for hearing is to download a Sound Meter onto your Smart Phone so that you always know if the sound in your environment is too loud – above 95 decibels. The sound meter is free. Then, when you are seated in front of an eight foot speaker that is blasting away, and your meter reads 110 decibels, you know it is time to move. Today some restaurants play music far above 95 decibels so customers will eat fast and leave quickly for the next party; that is when your sound meter really comes in handy.

When It’s Freezing Cold Outside, Drink Tea

By Current News

By Dr Murray Grossan

If you get wet, getting out of wet clothes is essential; it is very important not to get chilled. If your hands/feet are exposed to extreme weather changes, you can get frostbite in five minutes! Please don’t touch metal with bare hands – they can get attached to the metal and cause serious injury.

Just as important, when you come in from the cold and step into an elevator or a classroom, you are subject to illness because your nasal cilia are not doing their job.

In the normal nose, you have millions of tiny oars in your nose/sinuses the beat at a steady rate to move bacteria/viruses out of the nose. Similarly you have the same system in your bronchial passages. If the cilia are stunned and not moving from the cold, they fail. Then the bacteria that lands in your nose remains in place.

Preventing Illness in Cold Weather

One method is to seek an area where there are few persons present when you enter the building. Wave your arms around and jump up and down to get your circulation moving. Once your physical nose has warmed up, then you can enter the elevator or classroom with good defense, because your cilia are moving bacteria/virus out of the nose.
Another method is to carry a hot thermos of green tea. Before you enter the elevator, drink the hot tea.

Raise Your Immunity

When you drink liquids, you have a means of diluting bacteria. When you fail to drink enough liquids, the nasal and chest mucus is too thick to move the bacteria/virus out of the nose/chest. Green tea is one of the best products for improving cilia function, as is hot chicken soup.

Yogurt and Probiotics are known to improve immunity. Similar products are Kimchi, Sauerkraut, Dark Miso and Kefir. The sauerkraut should be unpasteurized or raw.

Sleep and Dream

Your immunity is better when you get good sleep. Make a strict ritual of your sleep: Wash face, brush teeth, comb hair, count breathing, dark room, etc. The more fixed steps, the better. Going to bed with this ritual at the same time each night sets your sleep clock for better sleep. Even when you change time zones, doing the same ritual will engage your sleep clock.

Avoid Reflux

If you eat a full meal and try to sleep, you will get acid stomach and possibly acid reflux. Avoid eating three hours before sleep. Similarly, wind down before sleep.

Sleep Aids

It can be a dull TV show, a water fountain, either a real one or a recording. Various sounds help various persons – birds, musicals, etc.

When the Cilia Fail

The cilia may fail following extreme cold. You notice yellow green discharge. You can use pulse wave saline irrigation to restore cilia action. The Hydro Pulse™ Nasal/Sinus Irrigator is designed to pulse at a rate for restoring good nasal cilia. Usually, restoring the nasal cilia helps to restore the chest cilia as well. (Coughing takes over when the chest cilia fail.)

Got Allergy? Don’t Get a Sinus Infection!

By Current News

By Dr Murray Grossan

Got Allergy? Don’t Make it a Sinus Infection

This year is predicted to be a bad allergy season –in spring it’s trees, in summer it’s grass and in fall it’s weeds.

It is common for the sinus doctor to see patients who let their allergy change into sinusitis that requires surgery.

How can you prevent this?

When you sneeze non-stop, get poor sleep, stay plugged all the time, this causes the nasal cilia to become exhausted and slow down. Normally the cilia beat in harmony to move bacteria out of the nose and sinuses. When they fail, you get a sinus X Ray  that shows left maxillary sinus disease.

Prevention of sinus disease from allergy.

Good sleep. Try to find one of the allergy pills like Benadry or Zyrtec that clears the nose and helps you sleep. Many patients reduce their allergy symptoms with one of the antihistamine nasal sprays such as Astelin or Patanase. Ask your doctor for a prescription and for discount coupons. Also check the web sites for coupons.

Your doctor may put you on one of the cortisone type sprays, such as Flonase. There are almost of dozen of these available and results vary.

Tea, lemon and honey helps cilia action.

Regular use of the Hydro Pulse™ will move bacteria and pollen out of the nose and sinuses. The massage action reduces tissue edema, so it helps avoid sinus blockage. The massage action reduces tissue swelling for better breathing.

Will surgery help your allergy?

Actually sometimes it will. If your sinuses are fully blocked, and are fully packed with tissue and liquid pus, draining the sinus will be of benefit

Fortunately today, there is a procedure that is quite simple and can be used. It involves putting a balloon into the normal sinus opening. The balloon is inflated and the sinus is irrigated through a duct in the balloon apparatus.

When the sinus opening has been milked to open, then the doctor will prescribe Hydro Pulse Nasal/Sinus irrigation to encourage cilia function and to keep the milked opening patent.

Some patients benefit by using additives to the Hydro Pulse irrigation such as antibiotics or cortisone type products.

The goal is to keep that opening from closing up. Pulse wave irrigation has been used for this. Best of all, once normal nasal/sinus cilia function has been restored, no further irrigation may be needed.